To add something to the RIGHT CLICK context menu, we can change the registry.
In my particular instance, I am looking to add a QUICK COMMAND that will run the JAD file in MPowerPlayer.
1. Goto: My Computer > HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > jadfile
2. Expand jadfile > shell, and add a key "Run with MPowerPlayer"
3. Add a key under "Run with MPowerPlayer" called "command"
4. On the right, double click (Default), add the following data: java -jar C:\\mpowerplayer\\player.jar "%1"
That's all. Now right click on the JAD file and you should see your new command "Run with MPowerPlayer.
NOTE: you will want to change the directory location of mpowerplayer\player.jar to match your own.
Here's the entire structure after you are done (added 'Edit' command for comparison):
My Computer
---------L jadfile
--------------L shell
------------------L Run with MPowerPlayer
-----------------------L command = java -jar ... (see above)
------------------L Edit
-----------------------L command = notepad.exe "%1"