SVN: Subversion Server + MAC

This tutorial assumes that you have already installed the SVN binaries, and modified your PATH to the svn/bin.

Step 1: Creating a local repo

svnadmin create /path/to/repo

Step 2: Change the default configurations, svnserve.conf

anon-access = none
auth-access = write
authz-db = authz
password-db = passwd
realm = Subversion Server

Step 3: Edit the authz file

admin = alex, bob, cathy
engineers = donny, emily
producers = frank
visitors = greg

* =
@admin = rw
@engineers = rw
@producers = rw
@visitors = r

Step 4: Edit the passwd file

alex = pw1
bob = pw2
cathy = pw3 (... and so forth)

Step 5: Chmod the entire repo directory

cd /path/to
find repo -exec chmod 777 '{}' \;

Step 6: Start the svn server

svnserve -d -r /path/to/repo

Step 7: Do a sample checkout

svn co svn://localhost /download/path --username bob --password pw2

Hopefully it works :) Oh yea, and to restart the server, you can use the command killall svnserve

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