1. Download jakarta-tomcat-x.x.xx.tar.gz
2. Unzip to /usr/local/tomcat-x.x.xx/
3. Create symlink tomcat
cd /usr/local/
ln -s /usr/local/tomcat-x.x.xx/ tomcat
4. Use the following script to start/stop tomcat
export CATALINA_BASE=/usr/local/tomcat
export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat
export CATALINA_TMPDIR=/usr/local/tomcat/temp
export JRE_HOME=/*dir to java home*/
export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar
if [ "$1" == "start" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "stop" ]; then
echo "Command: tomcat [start|stop]"
5. Assuming the script's path is ~/tomcat, start the server using
~/tomcat start
6. Assuming the script's path is ~/tomcat, stop the server using
~/tomcat stop
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