I'm new with GIT and GITX so please feel free to comment if there are more efficient ways of doing this outside of downloading plugins / other open-source versions of GITX such as GITX(L).
Versioning changes locally:
1. Goto Commit View
2. Under Unstaged Changes section, select the changes you wish to version
3. Right click and select Stage
4. The files should now appear in the Staged Changes section
5. Enter a Commit Message
6. Click Commit
7. Done
Promoting changes to git server:
1. Open Terminal
2. Goto head directory of git repo
3. Type git push
4. Once done, you should see a message:
To http://[git.server]/[git.path]/[git.repo].git
6a8ff81..72a89a7 master -> master
Reverting changes locally:
1. Goto History View
2. Drag the origin/HEAD and origin/MASTER to the revision you want
3. Now you can overwrite the bad changes by promoting a new one
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