IPHONE: XIB Overlay over openGL

This is an example of overlaying an XIB on top of the Apple openGL template project.

Step 1: Create new OpenGL Template

Step 2: Create new files (Cocoa Touch Classes > UIViewController subclass)

Step 3: Create new xib (User Interfaces > View XIB)

Step 4: Customize the xib however you like

Step 5: Link xib to class (select File's Owner -> Apple+Shift+I. Under 'i' tab, type Class = subclass name)

Step 6: Make view bg transparent (select View -> Apple+Shift+I. Under > Settings > View > Background > set opacity to 0%)

Step 7: Right-click & drag from File's Owner to View

Step 8: Select view

Step 9: In AppDelegate header, alter as follows

Step 10: In AppDelegate class, alter applicationDidFinishLaunching method

Step 11: Run the application.

1 comment:

Test User said...

Excellent. I looked all over for how to do this.. Thanks alot!