It all has to do with the way you implement NewLC and NewL, but the STANDARD difference between NewLC and NewL is whether or not you have to CleanupStack->pop the object created.

Let's first start with the typical implementation of NewL and NewLC

static CObject* newL();
CObject* CObject::NewL() {
----CObject* self = NewLC();
----return self;

static CObject* newLC();
CObject* CObject::NewLC() {
----CObject* self = new (ELeave)CObject();
----return self;

As such, you would instantiate a CObject by using either of the following:

CObject* obj = CObject::NewL();


CObject* obj = CObject::NewLC();
// do something with obj that may require cleanup ie. cptrArray->AppendL(obj);

If you do not pop the object, the stack will be messed up and you'll have a very difficult time figuring out why that is.

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