How not to write Javascript

Great tips & tricks from an javascript expert:


When checking if a variable is undefined:

var undefined;
return val !== undefined

When using strings in a switch: 

// use hash instead
obj[key] = 1;
if obj.hasOwnProperty(key);

When looping:
for (var i=0; j=arr.length; i

When converting functions to string for function name:
// str = String(foo);
str = (foo + "");

When checking for string type:
// typeof new String("a string") == 'object'
typeof (new String("a string") + "") == 'string'

When using float points:
// 1.0 - 0.25
1 - 0.25

When initializing arrays it is unnecessary to pre-allocate 'space':
// arr = new Array(25);
arr = [];

In JS, variable scope is declared by functions, and not blocks. That is:
if (a) { var x = 25; } console.log(x); // prints 25 just fine

The difference between:
var foo = function() {} and function bar() {} is that the latter is a function with the name 'bar'. The former is an anonymous function without a 'name'

Arrays are very powerful:
Acting as a queue: push, shift (unshift)
Acting as a stack: push, pop
Acting as array: arr[index], delete arr[index] (sets index content to undefined)
Splicing array: adding & removing elements with arr.splice(index,count,objs...)

Using regex:
var regex = '/regex_exp/i';

Using enumerative for-loops the right way:
for (var p in pages) { if (pages.hasOwnProperty(p)) { /* do something awesome */ } };
Use the hasOwnProperty method to prevent against enumerating over inherited properties

Don't use document.write(str);
Don't use browser sniffing code, ie. navigator.appName == 'Microsoft IE'
Don't use eval(str)
Don't use pseudo-protocols, ie. link

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