Tomcat: Starting tomcat in Mac OSX

When http://localhost:8080 isn't working, you may want to try starting the tomcat server.

I'm going to assume that Tomcat was installed at /Library/Tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/

cd /Library/Tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/bin

p.s. During setup, make sure CATALINA_HOME points to /Library/Tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.18. If it is not, edit your .profile file and redirect the CATALINA_HOME environment variable.

iPhone: Localization

Should have done my research before trying to do my own localization on the phone... the full article can be found here. Here are the basic steps to localizing your iphone application. Trust me, this is the way to do it...

Step 1: Create 2 directories called en.lproj (English) and it.lproj (Italian)

Step 2: Add new string file by going to File -> New File -> Other -> Strings File, name the file as "Localizable.strings" and place it in en.lproj.

Step 3: Repeat step 2, this time saving "Localizable.strings" inside it.lproj.

Step 4: Add the following lines to the strings files...

"WelcomeKey" = "Welcome!!!"; // put into english version
"WelcomeKey" = "Benvenuto!!!";
// put into italian version

Step 5: To grab WelcomeKey you just do: NSLocalizedString(@"WelcomeKey", @"") like so:

NSLog(@"Welcome Text: %@", NSLocalizedString(@"WelcomeKey", @""));

That's all there is to it... Here are some of Apple's conventional language codes:

English: en
Japanese: ja
French: fr
Deutsch: de
Netherlands: nl
Italian: it
Spanish: es
Portugues: pt
Korean: ko
Simplified Chinese: zh-Hans
Traditional Chinese: zh-Hant

The full list can be accessed through the following call:

NSArray *languages = [defaults objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
// print each NSString in languages

PostgreSQL: Advanced PostgreSQL

begin work;
// do query
commit work;

begin work;
// do query
rollback work; // undo

begin work;
// do query
commit work;

begin work;
// do query. End with FOR UPDATE; this serializes & locks this transaction until I update or transaction ends
// do update
commit work;

INDEX: Speeds up searches
create index [indexname] on [tbl] ( [col1], [col2] );
drop index [indexname];
create unique index [indexname] on [tbl] ( [col1], [col2] );

CLUSTER: Speeds up searches by clustering large search results

VACUUM: Speeds up searches by cleaning up expired rows
vacuum [tbl];
vacuum analyze [tbl];

EXPLAIN: Shows speed & statistic on queries
explain select * from [tbl];

select * from [tbl] limit #;
select * from [tbl] limit # offset #;

CURSOR: must take place inside a transaction
begin work;
declare [cursor name] cursor for select [col] from [tbl];
fetch # from [cursor name];
move #from [cursor name];
close [cursor name];
commit work;

Temporary tables
select * into temporary [tbl] from [tbl2] where [condition];

Alter table content:
alter table [tbl] rename to [tbl'];
alter table [tbl] rename column [col] to [col'];
alter table [tbl] add column [col] [type];
alter table [tbl] alter column [col] [type];
alter table [tbl] alter column [col] set default [value];
alter table [tbl] alter column [col] drop default;

Grant permission:
grant select on [tbl] to [user];
grant all on [tbl] to public;

create table [tbl] ( ... );
create table [tb2] ( ... ) inherits ( [tbl1] );
select * from [tbl1]*; // access shared columns in tbl1 & tbl2

Views: Views cannot be directly modified, just queried
create view [viewname] as [select ...];
drop view [viewname];

create rule [rulename] as on select to [tbl/view] do instead nothing;
create rule [rulename] as on insert to [tbl/view] do instead [what to do];
create rule [rulename] as on update to [tbl/view] do instead [what to do];
create rule [rulename] as on deleete to [tbl/view] do instead [what to do];

create table [tbl] ( col1 INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT [value] );
create table [tbl] ( col1 INTEGER UNIQUE );
create table [tbl] ( col1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ); // UNIQUE+NOT NULL

create table [tbl] (
UNIQUE(col1, col2) // must be on its own line

create table [tbl] (
PRIMARY KEY(col1, col2) // must be on its own line

Foreign Key:
create table [tbl1] ( col INTEGER PRIMARY KEY );
create table [tbl2] ( col INTEGER REFERENCES [tbl1] );

Foreign Key Options:
create table [tbl2] ( col INTEGER REFERENCES [tbl1] on update CASCADE on delete SET NULL );

NO ACTION = UPDATEs and DELETEs to the primary key are prohibited if referenced by a foreign key row. (Default)
CASCADE = UPDATEs to the primary key update all foreign key columns that reference it. DELETEs on the primary key cause the deletion of all foreign key rows that reference it.
SET NULL = UPDATEs and DELETEs to the primary key row cause the foreign key to be set to NULL.

CHECK: validity checking during insertion
create table [tbl] ( age INTEGER CHECK (age > 18) );
create table [tbl] ( gender CHAR(1) CHECK (gender IN ('M', 'F') );
create table [tbl] ( age INTEGER, gender CHAR(1), CHECK ( age > 18 and gender in ('M', 'F') ) );

PostgreSQL: Data Types, Functions

display all data types: \dT

Data Types: (Page 108)
TEXT, VARCHAR(length), CHAR(length)
INTEGER, INT2, INT8, OID, NUMERIC(precision, decimal), FLOAT, FLOAT4

Array Example:
create table [tbl] ( col INTEGER[5] );
insert into [tbl] values ( '{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}' );

Functions: (Page 113)
length(), character_length(), trim(), upper(), lower(), substr(), to_number()
round(), trunc(), abs(), factorial(), sqrt(), cbrt(), exp(), ln(), log(), to_char()
date_part(), now(), timeofday()


CAST('5/8/1982' AS DATE)

SVN: Troubleshooting


The problem: Wanted to fix the log message for a specific revision.
My (bad) solution: Edit db/revprops/### directly.

This causes the following error:
svn: General svn error from server

To fix this, copy another ### file and overwrite the bad one you altered. After that you should be back in business, just with a bad log.

Now to change the log the PROPER way, go on the server computer and type:

echo "my message goes here" >> msg
svnadmin setlog /Path/to/repo -r #REV# msg

PostgreSQL: Intermediate PostgreSQL


Return # of rows: COUNT(*)
Return count of NON-NULL values in a column: COUNT(colname)

Grouping aggregates: GROUP BY
select [col], aggregate#1, aggregate#2 from [tbl] group by [col], [aggregate#1];

Aggregate conditionals: HAVING
select [col], aggregate#1 from [tbl] group by [col] having [aggregate condition];

select [col] from [tbl] [alias] where [alias].[col?] = [condition];
select [col] from [tbl] [alias1], [tbl] [alias2] where [condition];

select [tbl].[col] from [tbl1], [tbl2] where [tbl1].[col] = [tb2].[col];

Distinct: Return distinct col1+col2 pairs only
select distinct [col1], [col2], count(*) from [tbl] where [condition];

Unjoined table: Cartesian product
select * from [tbl1], [tb2];

Nonequijoin: (Could be any of <, <>, !=, >)
select [col] from [tbl] [alias1], [tbl] [alias2] where [alias1].[col1] <> [alias2].[col2];

OIDs: Automatically incremented & always distinct
select oid, [col] from [tbl];
create table [tbl] ( customer_oid OID );

AUTO-Numbering / Sequences:
create sequence [sequence name];
create table [tbl] ( customer_id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('[sequence name]') );
insert into [tbl] values ( nextval('[sequence name]') );
currval('[sequence name]');
setval('[sequence name]', #);

create table [tbl] ( customer_id SERIAL ); // alternative

UNION: Combined results, A and B
select [col1] from [tbl1] union select [col2] from [tbl2];
select [col1] from [tbl1] union all select [col2] from [tbl2]; // with duplicates

EXCEPT: A but not in B
select [col1] from [tbl1] except select [col2] from [tbl2];

select [col1] from [tbl1] intersect select [col2] from [tbl2];

SUBQUERIES: Select within a select, bypass joins
select [col2] from [tbl2] where [col2] <> ( select [col1] from [tbl1] where [condition] );

select [col2] from [tbl2] where [col2] in ( select [col1] from [tbl1] where [condition] );
select [col2] from [tbl2] where [col2] not in ( select [col1] from [tbl1] where [condition] );
select [col2] from [tbl2] where [col2] any ( select [col1] from [tbl1] where [condition] );
select [col2] from [tbl2] where [col2] all ( select [col1] from [tbl1] where [condition] );
select [col2] from [tbl2] where [col2] exists ( select [col1] from [tbl1] where [condition] );
select [col2] from [tbl2] where [col2] not exists ( select [col1] from [tbl1] where [condition] );

update [tbl1] set [col]=[val] from [tbl2] where [condition w/ tbl1 + tbl2];

INSERT USING SELECTS: transfer data from table 1 to 2
insert into [tbl1] (name) select 'danny' from [tbl2];

SELECT INTO: copy table 1 to 2
select [col1], [col2] into [tbl2] from [tbl1];

Text concatenation: ||
'Danny' || 'Cool' = 'DannyCool'

PostgreSQL: Regular Expression Query

Taken from PostgreSQL Introduction & Concepts

regular expression:
regular expression (case-insensitive): ~*
not equal to regular expression: !~
not equal to regular expression (case-insensitive): !~*

Basic Rules:

start: ^
end: $
any single character: .
set of characters: [abc]
set of characters not equal: [^abc]
range of characters: [a-z]
range of characters not equal: [^a-z]
zero or 1: ?
zero or more: *
one or more: +
OR: |


begins with D: ~ '^D'
contains D: ~ 'D'
D in second position: ~ '^.D'
begins with D and contains e: ~ 'D.*e'
begins with D, contains e, then f: ~ '^D.*e.*f'
contains A, B, C, or D: ~ '[A-D]' or ~ '[ABCD]'
contains A or a: ~ * 'a' or ~ '[Aa]'
does not contain D: !~ 'D'
does not begin with D: !~ '^D' or ~ '^[^D]'
begin with D, one optional space in front: ~ '^ ?D'
begin with D, with optional leading spaces: ~ '^ *D'
begin with D, with at least 1 space: ~ '^ +D'
end with G, with optional trailing spaces: ~ 'G *$'

PostgreSQL: Basic PostgreSQL & SQL

After years of messing with MySQL, I am finally getting into PostgreSQL. The transition was not as easy as I had hoped.

To enter a database:
psql [dbname] -U [username]

Get list of SQL commands: \h
Get help: \?
To exit a database: \q
To clear the buffer: \r
To print the current query: \p
List all tables: \d
Expanded display (instead of columns): \x
List all functions: \df
List all functions named X: \df [function name]
Describe a function: \dd [function name]
Describe an operator: \do [operator ie. ! ^ * + -]

-- a single line comment
/* */ multi-line comment

Create new user:
create user [username] with password '[password]' [createdb/nocreatedb] in group [groupname] valid until 'Jan 1 2005';

Create database:
create database [dbname] with owner [1], [2] encoding = 'UTF8';

Common data types:
CHAR(length), VARCHAR(length)
INTEGER, FLOAT, NUMERIC(precision/decimal)

Create table:
create table [tblname] (firstname CHAR(15), lastname CHAR(20), age INTEGER);
create table [tblname] (firstname CHAR(15) default 'no name');

Delete table:
drop table [tblname];

Describe specific table:
\d [tblname];

Insert table content:
insert into [tblname] values ('firstname', 'lastname', 20);

Delete table content:
delete from [tblname]; (deletes all)
delete from [tblname] where [condition];

Update table content:
update [tblname] set [colname]=[new value] where [condition];

Display table content:
select * from [tblname] where age<=20; select * from [tblname] where age>=18 and firstname='danny';

Display table content w/ specified column name:
select [colname] as [tmp-alt colname] from [tblname] order by [tmp-alt colname];
select 1+3 as total;

Display table content w/ specific ordering:
select * from [tblname] where [condition] order by [col1] DESC, [col2], [col3] DESC;

Conditional query:
select [colname] case when [condition w/ colname] then [conditional string value for yes] else [conditional string value for no] end as [casename] from [tblname];
select [colname] case when [condition 1 w/ colname] then [case string value 1 for yes] when [condition 2 w/ colname] then [case string value 2 for yes] else [string value for no] end as [casename] from [tblname];

Grabbing distinct column values from table:
select distinct [colname] from [tblname];
select distinct [col1], [col2] from [tblname];

Example Conditions:
age <> 99
age != 22 and (firstname='jack' or firstname='bob')
age between 33 and 35

Like Conditions:
like 'D%' (begins with D)
like '%D%' (contains a D)
like '_D%' (has D in second position)
like 'D_nny' (Donny, Danny, Denny)
like 'D%e%' (begins with D contains e)
like 'D%e%f%' (begins with D contains e, then f)
not like 'D%' (begins with non-D)

Common vars:
select current_user;
select current_timestamp;

PostgreSQL: Setting up PostgreSQL in Mac OSX

NOTE: Do NOT mix the 2 methods. Once you install using the dmg, you will lose access to the server data. However you will gain the use of pgAdmin, which is very similar to SQLServer (from what I remember anyway...).

One method is to download the .dmg from their website, which automatically sets up everything for you, including database URL, port, username & password.

The other method is to do this yourself via command-line:

1. mkdir /DB/data
2. chmod 0700 /DB/data
3. initdb -D /DB/data
4. pg_ctl start -D /DB/data
5. pg_ctl stop -D /DB/data

You can use a simple shell script to start/stop/restart the server for you (taken from Will Green)

export PGDATA=/DB/data
start() {
echo -n "Starting Postgres: "
pg_ctl start -l $PGDATA/postgres.log
stop() {
echo -n "Shutting down Postgres: "
pg_ctl stop -l $PGDATA/postgres.log
case "$1" in
               echo "Usage: {start|stop|restart}"
               exit 1
exit $?

SVN: Setting up SVN w/ Apache

First of all, I should mention there are typically 2 ways to access SVN:
2. svn://

The following steps helps you set up the directory access for method 1. Accessing through http protocol.

Step 1. Install Apache

Step 2. Install Subversion

Step 3. Set environment path=subversion/bin

Step 4. Edit Apache httpd.conf (module section). Add the following lines:

LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/

Step 5. Copy the modules from Subversion/bin into Apache/modules

Step 6. Add new VirtualHost entry:

< VirtualHost ip:port>
   DocumentRoot c:/wwwroot
   LogLevel warn
   ErrorLog logs/
   CustomLog logs/ common

   < Location>
       DAV svn
       SVNParentPath c:/svnroot
       SVNListParentPath on
       AuthzSVNAccessFile c:/svnrepo/conf/authz
       AuthType Basic
       AuthName "Kronos SVN"
       AuthUserFile c:/svnrepo/conf/htpasswd
       Require valid-user
   < /Location>
< /VirtualHost>

Step 7. Customize authz file

admin = bob, joe, mike
visitor = dan, steve, matt

* =
@admin = rw
@visitor = r

* =
@admin = rw
@visitor =

Step 8. Customize htpasswd file

use apache/bin/htpasswd.exe to create htpasswd file: htpasswd.exe -c /path/htpasswd user1
add aditional users to htpasswd file: htpasswd.exe /path/htpasswd user2

Step 9. Restart your apache server

To set up directory access for method 2, accessing through svn port directly is much simpler, but does not offer the encrypted password protection offered in method 1. The trick is, you can actually have BOTH.

For the admin account I like to use the http access w/ encrypted protection. For additional accounts, just to make things simpler, I use the svn passwd file which typically just looks like this:


Just make sure you adjust the svn configuration file accordingly & you should be all set. Restart your svn server after changing the configuration file.

SVN: Configure Authorizations

Disallow anonymous access:


Allow anonymouse access:


OS X: Default Program for Extensions

Say I wanted to open all avi with VLC instead of default QuickTime, this is how to change it in OS X...

Step 1: Ctrl+I on any .avi file

Step 2: Under "Open With...", select the appropriate program to open this extension with

Step 3: Press "Change All"

SVN: Recursive Svn Ignore

The easiest way to do this is by creating a global svn ignore file that you wish to copy recursively into all sub-directories.

Step 1: Create global.svn.ignore file. Type "emacs global.svn.ignore"

Step 2: Type files/directories to ignore, each on its own line (ie. *.txt, build)

Step 3: Close emacs by entering Ctrl+x, Ctrl+c, y (for yes)

Step 4: Type "svn propset -R svn:ignore -F global.svn.ignore ."

When complete the command prompt should read:
property 'svn:ignore' set (recursively) on '.'

SVN: Simple Svn Ignore

To svn:ignore on one single directory:

Step 1:
In console, type "svn propedit svn:ignore ."

Step 2: This will open emacs & blank document.

Step 3: In emacs, type file/directory to ignore, each separated by a newline (ie. *.txt, build)

Step 4: Close emacs by entering Ctrl+x, Ctrl+c, y (for yes)

ACROBAT: Graphical Digital Signatures

Step 1: Create an image of your signature as a PNG

Step 2: Create a signature pdf (File > Create PDF > From Blank Page)

Step 3: Paste the signature image onto new pdf

Step 4: Crop the page so the signature dimensions are as small as necessary (Documents > Crop Pages...)

Step 5: Manipulate the Margin Controls fields to control crop size

Step 6: Create a signature template (Acrobat > Preferences...)

Step 7: Select Security on the left, and create new signature by clicking on New...

Step 8: Configure Signature Appearance, select Imported Graphic, click on File...

Step 9: Now you can insert the signature by selecting Appearance

IPHONE: XIB Overlay over openGL

This is an example of overlaying an XIB on top of the Apple openGL template project.

Step 1: Create new OpenGL Template

Step 2: Create new files (Cocoa Touch Classes > UIViewController subclass)

Step 3: Create new xib (User Interfaces > View XIB)

Step 4: Customize the xib however you like

Step 5: Link xib to class (select File's Owner -> Apple+Shift+I. Under 'i' tab, type Class = subclass name)

Step 6: Make view bg transparent (select View -> Apple+Shift+I. Under > Settings > View > Background > set opacity to 0%)

Step 7: Right-click & drag from File's Owner to View

Step 8: Select view

Step 9: In AppDelegate header, alter as follows

Step 10: In AppDelegate class, alter applicationDidFinishLaunching method

Step 11: Run the application.

IPHONE: Unable to locate a suitable developer disk image

When attempting to open Xcode with the iPod Touch plugged in (running OS 2.1.1), user receives error: "Unable to locate a suitable developer disk image"

cd /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
ln -s 2.1/ 2.1.1

IPHONE: Setting up certificates

Even though this is explained in detail on the Programmers Portal... sometimes it's just better with a second tutorial.

Step 1: Create certificate using Keychain Access

Step 2: Upload certificate for authentication

Step 3: Download the issued certificate

Step 4: Drag drop the certificate into Keychain Access > Certificates

JAVA: NIO Socket Implementation (SERVER)

ServerSocketChannel socket =;
socket.socket().bind(new InetSocketAdress("", 8000);
selector =;
socket.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);

while(true) {
        if( continue;
        Set setKeys = selector.selectedKeys();
        Iterator iteratedKeys = setKeys.iterator();

        while(key.hasNext()) {
                SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);

                // accept connection
                if(key.isAcceptible()) {
                        // get SocketChannel from key
                        SocketChannel channel = server.accept();
                        // enable read write to channel
                        channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ |

                // accept readable package
                if(key.isReadable()) {
                        // get SocketChannel from key
                        SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel)
                        int read = 0;
                        Charset charset =
                        CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
                        CharBuffer charbuffer = null;
                        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
                        ByteArrayOutputStream stream =
                                new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        while((read = > 0) {
                                stream.write(buffer.array(), 0, read);
                        charbuffer = decoder.decode(
                        return charbuffer;

                // write to channel
                if(key.isWriteable()) {
                        // get SocketChannel from key
                        SocketChannel channel =
                                new String("hello from server").getBytes()));

REGEX: Samples

- Search for [c] until the next [


IPHONE: Http POST request

Execute a POST request

// target URL
CFURLRef URL = CFURLCreateWithString(

// request type
CFStringRef requestMethod =

// setup request
CFHTTPMessageRef myRequest =

// body
CFStringRef bodyString =
        CFSTR("[[post content value-pairs]]");

// set body in msg

// header
        (CFStringRef) [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d",

// header property #1

// header property #2

// POST it
CFReadStreamRef myReadStream =

CFStreamClientContext myContext =
        { 0, (void*)NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };


        kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable |
        kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred |




Access the message returned

// debug print message
CFDataRef msgFromRequest =

// length of msg
int msgLength =

// buffer to hold data
Byte* buffer =
        (Byte*) malloc (sizeof(Byte) * msgLength);

// grab data place into buffer
CFDataGetBytes(msgFromRequest, CFRangeMake(0, msgLength), buffer);

// clean up

XCODE: Change Executable Name

1. Right click on Targets click on General Tab
2. Change the Name to desired Executable Name

SVN: Commands (Continued)

SVN command-line commands


1. Navigate to the parent directory that you wish to edit
2. Type "svn propedit svn:ignore ."
3. In EMACS (default) type the directory/file name, ie.


1. Allows you to see the diff between local & server


1. Allow you to switch the root directory repository location
2. Type "svn switch --relocate svn:// svn://"

svn co [src url] [dest dir]
ie. svn co svn

SVN: Authorization Failed
- You probably need to restart your SVN service
- You probably need to restart your Apache service

OBJ-C: Primitive Array Length

// this accurately obtains the size

int INTS[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int length = sizeof INTS / sizeof INTS[0];
RESULT => length = 4

// this fails. returns the size of the pointer (4 bytes)

int* INTS_PTR = &INTS[0];
int length = sizeof INTS / sizeof INTS[0];
RESULT => length = 1

OBJ-C: Printing with NSString

// Printing a single NSString

NSString* string = @"hello world!";
printf("%s", [string UTF8String]);
printf("%s", [string cString]);

// Printing from an array of NSString

NSString* strings[3] = {@"1st string", @"2nd string", @"3rd string"};
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
    printf("%s", [strings[i] cString]);

OBJ-C: Properties

// if we want to use auto-synthesize

@interface ClassName : NSObject
    int variableName;
@property (nonatomic) int variableName;

@implementation ClassName
@synthesize variableName;

// if we want to manually make accessors

@interface ClassName : NSObject
    int variableName;
@property (nonatomic) int variableName;
- (int) variableName;
- (void) setVariableName : (int) param;

@implementation ClassName
@dynamic variableName;

- (int) variableName
    return variableName;

- (void) setVariableName : (int) param
    variableName = param;


This allows the user to use
1. instance.variableName = x;
2. x = instance.variableName;
Which is normally NOT allowed because variableName was declared private

instance->variableName is only allowed if
1. instance is a pointer
2. variableName was declared public (does not go through accessors)

In either case, users can use the methods directly due to @synthesize
1. [instance setVariableName:x];
2. x = [instance variableName];

JAVA: Clones

Java cloning will return a shallow copy of the current object.

Vector<Object> objs1 = new Vector<Object>();
objs1.add(new Object());

Vector<Object> objs2 = (Vector<Object>) objs1.clone();

System.out.println(objs1 == objs2); // return false
System.out.println(objs1.elementAt(0) == objs2.elementAt(0)); // return true

This means that clone() creates a totally separate instance of the original, uses up the same amount of space, but each of its Object children point to the same data as the original copy.

OBJ-C: Multi-variable parameters

- (id) foo : (id) firstElement, ...
    // list place-holder
    va_list elements;
    id first = firstElement;
    id next;
    // where to start counting from
    va_start(elements, firstElement);

    do {
        // grab next id
        next = va_arg(elements, id);
        // do something with next
    } while (next != nil); 
     // end variable list

     return nil;

J2ME: Force Transparency in MIDP2

grab each pixel color using getRGB
mask each pixel color with 0xFF00000

JAVA: How do StringBuffers work?

new StringBuffer(), creates a StringBuffer with capacity of 16 characters.

Java String concatentation operator (+) is implemented using the StringBuffer class

  String a = "a";
  String b = "b";
  String c = "c";

The following produces the same results at run-time (speed, memory allocation).
  a + b + c
  new StringBuffer().append(a).append(b).append(c).toString();

When does it make sense to use StringBuffer?
  String d = a + b;
  d = d + c;

This now gets compiled into:
  String d = new StringBuffer().append(a).append(b);
  d = new StringBuffer().append(d).append(c);

This obviously is more costly/slower than:
  String d = new StringBuffer().append(a).append(b);

JAVA: What is the String Literal Pool?

class a { public static String a = "hello"; }
class b { public static String b = "hello"; }
class c {
  public void static main(String args[]) {
    System.out.println(A.a = B.b); // true

At compile-time:
  Step 1: compile class a, tag "hello" as a special variable that can be loaded into the literal pool during run-time.
  Step 2: compile class b, tag "hello" as a special variable that can be loaded into the literal pool during run-time.

At run-time in main:
  Step 1: load String literal from class A ("hello") into literal pool
  Step 2: attempt to load String literal from class B ("hello") into literal pool.
  Step 3: "hello" already exists, return existing reference to "hello" in the literal pool

Tricking the Compilation for the String Literals

class c {
  public void static main(String args[]) {
    String a = "a";
    String b = "b";
    String c = "a" + "b";
    String d = a + b;
    System.out.println(c==d); // false, because a and b are variables subject to change

class d {
  public void static main(String args[]) {
    final String a = "a";
    final String b = "b";
    String c = "a" + "b";
    String d = a + b;
    System.out.println(c==d); // true, because a and b are constants!

class e {
  public void static main(String args[]) {
    String c = "a" + "b";
    String d = "ab";
    System.out.println(c==d); // true, because both RHS are constants!

String a = "hello";
String b = "hello";
final String c = new String ("hello");
String d = a.intern();

a == b // true
a == c // false
a == d // true

JAVA: Access getResourceAsStream() in static context

Typically, we are used to using:

SomeClassName obj = new SomeClassName();
stream = obj.getResourceAsStream();

Instead, we can access the method statically like so:

stream = SomeClassName.class.getResourceAsStream();

JAVA: What is the Method Area?

Inside a Java virtual machine instance, information about loaded types is stored in a logical area of memory called the method area. When the Java virtual machine loads a type, it uses a class loader to locate the appropriate class file. The class loader reads in the class file--a linear stream of binary data--and passes it to the virtual machine. The virtual machine extracts information about the type from the binary data and stores the information in the method area. Memory for class (static) variables declared in the class is also taken from the method area.

ie. For each object loaded, there is a method table created.

SVN: Start SVN as Windows Service

Type into cmd:
sc create svn
binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\" --service -r \"C:\Program Files\Subversion\repos\""
displayname= "Subversion Server"
depend= Tcpip
start= auto

Should read: [sc] created successfully.

Now use IPCONFIG to find your IP, on a remote computer type: svn://ipaddress:3690

To delete a service:
sc delete , ie.
sc delete svn

In the sc create example, the service name is actually svn and NOT Subversion Server.

XP: Windows Registry Hacks

1. Disabling Windows Desktop Search

A. Regedit > HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Desktop Search\DS
B. Set ShowStartSearchBand = 0

2. Search Including Files Without Extensions

A. Regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex
B. Set FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions = 1

J2ME: Eclipse Error Fixes


java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/sun/tools/javac/Main (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

  • Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Ant Home... > Select C:/.../Ant directory
  • Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Global Entries > Add External JARs... > Select C:/.../JDK142/lib/tools.jar


Errors running builder 'Preverification' on project 'XXXXXXXX' init init

  • Right Click Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries tab > Add External JARS... > add CLDC1.1 stub from MPowerPlayer
  • Right Click Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries tab > Add External JARS... > add MIDP2.0 stub from MPowerPlayer

XP: Adding 'Command Prompt' to Context Menu

To bring up Context Menu right click in Windows Explorer

1. Open Regedit

2. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\cprompt
    @=Command Prompt
3. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\cprompt\command

4. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cprompt
    @=Command Prompt
5. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cprompt\command
    @=c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /k cd "%1"

The first part adds the command for all *.* files
The second part adds the command for all directories

JAVA: Quick and Safe Class Splitting

When a class is too large and you need to split it apart.. Best way is to utilize an inner-class, which will split A.class into A.class and A$B.class. Move all static methods of the outer class into the inner class.

For example:

class Outer {
  private int var = 0;
  private static void doSomething() { var = 10; /* large remaining chunk of code */ }


class Outer {
  private int var = 0;
  private static doSomething() { Inner.doSomething(); }
  static class Inner {
    private static void doSomething() { var = 10; /* large remaining chunk of code */ }

1. Yes static inner classes are allowed. And is required in order to have the static inner method.
2. Yes static inner classes can successfully access the outer class' member variables without any tricks.

VI: Cool Tricks in VIM

Search For Text Beginning of Line

Search For Multiple Words in a Line (remove spaces)
\(    \<word1\>    \|    \<word2\>    \)

Text Capture (search and replace sometext to sometextxt)


Replace only WHOLE WORDS (static & !statical)

Globally keep all lines containing the text "profile"

Globally delete all lines containing the text "profile"

Globally delete all EMPTY lines in a file

Search for the word 'text' only at the end of a line

DOS: Commands (Continued)

1. Escape characters in DOS
    Use ^

2. Write lines into a file in DOS (write new file)
    Echo Text > text.txt

3. Write lines into a file in DOS (append to file)
    Echo Text >> text.txt

MORE ------------------------------------------

In the following examples, we iterate a list of files and use the idiom ~[idiom] to extract certain part of a given filename.

Extract the filename without the extension : ~n

for %i in (*.*) do echo %~ni

Extract the file extension without the filename : ~x

for %i in (*.*) do echo %~xi

Extract the file attribute : ~a

for %i in (*.*) do echo %~ai

Extract the file time : ~t

for %i in (*.*) do echo %~ti

Extract the drive only : ~d

for %i in (*.*) do echo %~di

Extract the path only : ~p

for %i in (*.*) do echo %~pi 

Extract the complete name : ~s

for %i in (*.*) do echo %~si 

Extract the file length (in bytes) : ~z

for %i in (*.*) do echo %~zi 

The path (with drive) where the script is : ~dp0

set BAT_HOME=%~dp0
echo %BAT_HOME%

The path (without drive) where the script is : ~p0

set BAT_HOME=%~p0
echo %BAT_HOME%

The drive where the script is : ~d0

set BAT_DRIVE=%~d0
echo %BAT_DRIVE%

The complete script name : ~s0

set BAT_PATH=%~s0
echo %BAT_PATH%

The script name only (as called with or without the extension): %0

set BAT_NAME=%0
echo %BAT_NAME%

BREW: Enabling Network for Simulator

To ENABLE, change the following:

delete this line

change to 0

delete this line
SOCKETS 1 0 0 0 1472

C++: Array Initialization C++ vs Java

typical local declaration (with 3 ints allocated in memory)
int x[3] = {1,2,3};

typical local declaration 2 (with 3 ints allocated in memory)
int x[] = {1,2,3};

local declaration with no initial values (with 3 ints allocated in memory)
int x[3]; // ok, initial values undefined

initialization of only SOME values (with 3 ints allocated in memory)
int x[3] = {1}; // x[1] = x[2] = 0

specify size but and initialize the rest to 0 (with 100 chars allocated in memory)
char c[100] = "hi"; // size = 100, c[2-99] = 0

implicitly specify size (with 3 chars allocated in memory)
char c[] = "hi"; // size = 3

SVN: Installing Eclipse Subversion

Step 1: Install MYLAR (now MYLYN)

Step 2: Install Buckminster

Step 3: Install Mylyn

Step 4: Install Eclipse SVN (subclipse)

C++: Avoid Memory Fragmentation

Memory fragmentation means having free memory ("holes") between allocated and in-use memories that can't be used because that slot of memory is too small to fill with data. It is not technically a memory leak, but the memory is technically unusable during run-time.

It is believed C# automatically defrags memory so this would not occur.

Example of memory fragmentation:

for( cnt = 0; cnt < 10000; cnt+=3 )

    // Allocate 30 bytes
    m_memory[ cnt ] = new allocator (30 );
    // Allocate 10 bytes
    m_memory[ cnt + 1 ] = new allocator( 10 );
    // Allocate 110 bytes
    m_memory[ cnt + 2 ] = new allocator( 110 );
    // De-allocate 10 bytes
    m_memory[ cnt + 1 ] = null;

The 10 bytes deallocated is stuck between 30 and 110 bytes respectively, and is too small to be reused later on.

---- Memory looks like ----

    OCCUPIED                   30 bytes
    LOST...                        10 bytes
    OCCUPIED                   110 bytes

C++: Friends

Friends are external classes that is given permission to access private/protected members of this class.

---- Scenario 1: Friend functions ----

class apples{
        friend func();
class oranges{
    void foo();
void oranges::foo() {
    apples* a = new apples();
    a->func();        // this is ok because func is a friend

---- Scenario 2: Friend classes ----

class apples{
    friend class oranges;
        int value;
class oranges{
    void foo();
void oranges::foo(){
    apples* a = new apples();
    a->value = 10;        // this is ok because oranges is declared as a friend of apples

PHOTOSHOP: Key Shortcuts

Shift + [Key] = toggle command

A: Path Selection
B: Brush/Pencil
C: Crop
E: Erase
F: Full Screen Toggle
G: Paint
H: Hand
I: Eyedrop
J: Healing
K: Slice
L: Line
M: Cut
N: Notes
O: Dodge
P: Pen Tool
Q: Quick Mask
R: Blur/Sharpen
S: Clone
T: Text
U: Shapes
V: Move Tool
W: Wand
X: Swap Color Palettes
Y: History
Z: Magnify

C++: Virtual Destructor

Works in the same way as virtual functions, used only when you want to specify which destructor you want to call.

---- Scenario 1 ----

class Parent{
class Child : public Parent{

Parent* kid1 = new Child;
Child* kid2 = new Child;
delete kid1;        // calls parent destructor because Parent.~Parent is not virtual
delete kid2;        // calls parent destructor followed by child destructor (usual behavior)

---- Scenario 2 ----

class Parent{
    virtual ~Parent();
class Child : public Parent{

Parent* kid1 = new Child;
Child* kid2 = new Child;
delete kid1;        // calls child destructor because Parent.~Parent is virtual
delete kid2;        // calls parent destructor followed by child destructor (usual behavior)

C++: Pure Virtual Functions

  1. Pure virtual functions are REQUIRED to be implemented by a child class.
  2. Classes containing pure virtual functions cannot be instantiated.
  3. To use that class a deriving class must eventually implement all pure virtual functions.
  4. Similar to java abstract classes.

C++: Virtual Functions

---- Scenario 1 ----

class Parent {
        int foo();           // <-- called if is not virtual
class Child : public Parent {
        int foo();           // <-- called if is virtual

Child kid;
(Parent);        // calls PARENT version, because is not virtual

---- Scenario 2 ----

class Parent {
        virtual int foo();
class Child : public Parent {
        int foo();

Child kid;
(Parent);        // calls CHILD version, because is virtual

SVN: Externals

1. Right-click on any versioned directory
2. TortoiseSVN > Properties
3. Add...
A. Property name: svn:externals
B. Property value: [DEST:sub-directory] [SRC:svn-location-URL]
ie. res_ext svn://

Commit the changes. Done!

BREW: ImageMagick Command PNG->BMP

(Install ImageMagick)

for %%i in (*.png) do call convert -background "#ff00ff" %%i -flatten %%i.bmp

Using BMP palettes instead of 24bit color:

for %%i in (*.png) do call convert -background "#ff00ff" %%i -flatten -type "Palette" +matte -colors 256 BMP2:%%i.bmp

C++: Memory Allocation

class A {
    int i;
    class B {
        char c[1024];

When we call "A* myA = new A()" the memory looks like this:
- 4 bytes in heap allocated, B was instantiated/allocated

When we call "A myA = A()", the memory looks like this:
- 4 bytes in stack allocated, B was instantiated/allocated

class A {
    int i;
    class B {
        char c[1024];
    } myB;
    // the same as
    // B myB;

When we call "A* myA = new A()" the memory looks like this:
- 4 + 1024 bytes in heap allocated, B was instantiated/allocated

When we call "A myA = A()", the memory looks like this:
- 4 + 1024 bytes in stack allocated, B was instantiated/allocated

BREW: Trouble-shooting

"ClassName" : No appropriate default constructor available


Parent: parentConstructor(int x, int y);
Child: childConstructor(int x, int y, int z);


Parent: parentConstructor(int x, int y);
Child: childConstructor(int x, int y, int z) : parentConstructor(x, y);


This will force the childConstructor to use specifically use parentConstructor(x, y), instead of looking for parentConstructor(x, y, z).

DOS: Recursive set command

Sample recursion to set one environment variable to a collection of text:


for %%i in (a b c d e) do ( set COLLECTION=!COLLECTION! %%i.cpp )

:: result, COLLECTION=a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp d.cpp e.cpp

C++: Preprocessing Messaging

This will print the message "Compiling against Brew SDK v1.1" whenever AEE_SIMULATOR is defined.

#pragma message( "Compiling against Brew SDK v1.1" )

BREW: Batch compile MIF file

In order to DYNAMICALLY insert values into the MIF, you must have .dtd files with the appropriate properties. You then import its properties using the MFX file.

Sample DTD file (cid.dtd)


Another Sample DTD file (ver.dtd)


Sample MFX file

<?XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!ENTITY % version_dtd SYSTEM "ver.dtd">
<!ENTITY % classid_dtd SYSTEM "cid.dtd">

... some mfx stuff here

<String Id="8" Name="IDS_STRING_8">

... more mfx stuff here

<Applet BaseId="1000" CLSID="&APPLICATION_CLASSID;">

... more mfx stuff here

Finally, to put it all together, just make sure the MFX file can find the *.dtd files, and then call this in command prompt:

brewrc.exe -o output.mif -nh input.mfx

And you're done.

TRAC: Subdomain access

Step 1: Edit C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts file by adding:      trac.localhost

Step 2: Edit C:/Konami/Web/Apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf by adding:

    DocumentRoot "C:/Konami/Web/Apache/htdocs/trac"

Step 3: Run trac service by using the following command:

bash -c 'C:/Konami/Python/Scripts/tracd

Now you should be able to access the trac server by entering 'trac.localhost' into your browser.

TRAC: Trouble-shooting

1. "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position "

Look in: C:\Konami\Python\share\trac\wiki-default for 0xe2

Replace all instances of 0xe2 with "

2. POST does not return users to the correct URL because it's missing the base-url

Look in: C:\Konami\Web\Apache\htdocs\trac\conf\trac.ini

base_url = http://trac.localhost/trac/

3. The 'repository_dir' has changed, a 'trac-admin resync' operation is needed.

./trac-admin "C:/Konami/Web/Apache/htdocs/trac" resync

BREW: Sample BREW batch file

set GAME_DEFINES=-Ddefine1 -Ddefine2 -Ddefine3
call build_brew.bat contra LG_VX7000 BREW2

In build_brew.bat
set GAME_NAME=%1

if("%3"=="BREW1) set BREW_SDK=lib\1.1.0
if("%3"=="BREW2) set BREW_SDK=lib\2.1.3
if("%3"=="BREW3) set BREW_SDK=lib\3.1.5

set BUILD_SOURCE=.\src
set BUILD_FLAGS=-cpu ARM7TDMI -apcs/ropi/interwork -littleend -zas1 -zas4 -fa -g -Ospace -O2 -Wy  -c

:: for each .cpp to compile
tcpp ...

armlink -o %GAME_NAME%.elf -ropi "%BREW_SDK%\compiled\AEEAppGen.o" "%BREW_SDK%\compiled\AEEModGen.o" FILENAME.o FILENAME1.o ... -first AEEMod_Load -map -list -split -reloc

elf2mod %GAME_NAME%.elf %GAME_NAME%.mod

WEB: How to create htdigest auth files

Apparently this is the more basic login authentication version of .htpassword. Creation can be done in 2 ways:

#1. using Apache:

A. Open command prompt and goto \Apache\bin

B. htdigest -c trac.htdigest trac.localhost dyu (htdigest [filename] [realm] [username])

C. To add more users to the same digest file: do not use the -c option.

#2. using Python:

A. Paste the following into

from optparse import OptionParser
import md5

usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-u", "--username",action="store", dest="username", type = "string",
                  help="the username for whom to generate a password")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password",action="store", dest="password", type = "string",
                  help="the password to use")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if (options.username is None) or (options.password is None):
   parser.error("You must supply both the username and password")

realm = 'trac'
kd = lambda x: md5.md5(':'.join(x)).hexdigest()
print ':'.join((options.username, realm, kd([options.username, realm, options.password])))

B. python.exe -u dyu -p 123456 >> C:\trac.htdigest

BREW: Notes on Brew

Apparently Visual Studios .NET 2005 does not like it when you pass in an enumeration as a parameter.

warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'MIDlet::CRITICAL_GAME_STATE' used in qualified name

The offending code would look something like this:


void func(GAME_STATE gs);
void class::func(GAME_STATE gs) { }

Instead it would be wiser to manually convert the code into int, like so:

const static int STATE_ON=0;
const static int STATE_OFF=1;

void func(int gs);
void class::func(int gs) { }

DOS: Run Unix Commands

In DOS type:

C:\some\random\dir> bash -c 'unixCommand unixCommandParam'

ie. bash -c '/usr/bin/python install'

The reverse of running DOS commands from Unix can be done by the following:

$ cygstart winCommand 'winCommandParam1' 'winCommandParam2' ... etc

ie. cygstart build.bat LG_VX7000 SMALL

TRAC: Installing Trac the Hard Way

Verdict: Don't bother trying to install Trac with Python 2.5... it's better to use Python 2.4.

Step 1: Download the following files:
A. clearsilver-0.9.14.win32-py2.4.exe
B. MySQL-python-1.2.2.win32-py2.4.exe
C. python-2.4.4.msi
D. svn-python-1.4.4.win32-py2.4.exe
E. trac-0.10.4.win32.exe

Step 1: Install Python 2.4 (python-2.4.4.msi) to C:\Konami\Python

Step 2: Install SVN Python 1.4.4 (svn-python-1.4.4.win32-py2.4.exe). Installer will determine installation directory.

Step 3: Install ClearSilver 0.9.14 (clearsilver-0.9.14.win32-py2.4.exe). Installer will determine installation directory.

Step 4: Install MySQL Python 1.2.2 (MySQL-python-1.2.2.win32-py2.4.exe). Installer will determine installation directory.

Step 5: Install Trac 0.10.4 (trac-0.10.4.win32.exe). Installer will determine installation directory.

Step 6. Alter the 1st line in:

Step 7: open mysql

Step 8: create database `trac` default character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;

Step 9: open cygwin

Step 10: cd "C:\Konami\Python\scripts"

Step 11: mkdir "C:\Konami\Web\Apache\htdocs\trac"

Step 12: ./trac-admin "C:\Konami\Web\Apache\htdocs\trac" initenv
A. Local SVN
B. mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/trac
C. svn
D. C:/Konami/Web/Apache/htdocs/svn
E. C:/Konami/Python/share/trac/templates

Step 13: ./tracd --port 8000 "C:/Konami/Web/Apache/htdocs/trac"

Step 14: Open Firefox, goto http://localhost:8000/trac


Step 15: Install SVN: TortoiseSVN-

Step 16: Create repository in "C:/Konami/Web/Apache/htdocs/svn"
A. Manually create folder /svn
B. Right click INSIDE the folder
C. Tortoise SVN > Create repository here...

Step 17: Copy trac.ini into "C:/Konami/Web/Apache/htdocs/trac/conf"

Step 18: Create svn.auth for svn authentication
A. Goto Web\Apache\bin
B. htpasswd -c C:\Konami\Web\Apache\conf\svn.auth dyu
C. Enter password  x 2
D. Add the following line to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"      svn.localhost
E. Add the following to "C:\Konami\Web\Apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf
    DocumentRoot "C:/Konami/Web/Apache/htdocs/svn"
    <Location />
        DAV svn
        SVNPath "C:/Konami/Web/Apache/htdocs/svn"
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Subversion Repository"
        AuthUserFile "C:\Konami\Web\Apache\conf\svn.auth"
        Require valid-user