Use ^
2. Write lines into a file in DOS (write new file)
Echo Text > text.txt
3. Write lines into a file in DOS (append to file)
Echo Text >> text.txt
MORE ------------------------------------------
In the following examples, we iterate a list of files and use the idiom ~[idiom] to extract certain part of a given filename.
Extract the filename without the extension : ~n
for %i in (*.*) do echo %~ni
Extract the file extension without the filename : ~x
for %i in (*.*) do echo %~xi
Extract the file attribute : ~a
for %i in (*.*) do echo %~ai
Extract the file time : ~t
for %i in (*.*) do echo %~ti
Extract the drive only : ~d
for %i in (*.*) do echo %~di
Extract the path only : ~p
for %i in (*.*) do echo %~pi
Extract the complete name : ~s
for %i in (*.*) do echo %~si
Extract the file length (in bytes) : ~z
for %i in (*.*) do echo %~zi
The path (with drive) where the script is : ~dp0
set BAT_HOME=%~dp0
echo %BAT_HOME%
The path (without drive) where the script is : ~p0
set BAT_HOME=%~p0
echo %BAT_HOME%
The drive where the script is : ~d0
set BAT_DRIVE=%~d0
echo %BAT_DRIVE%
The complete script name : ~s0
set BAT_PATH=%~s0
echo %BAT_PATH%
The script name only (as called with or without the extension): %0
set BAT_NAME=%0
echo %BAT_NAME%
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