IPHONE: Binary Submission + Invalid Binary

Kept getting this odd INVALID BINARY error message today whenever I'd try to submit my binary.

The problem is I submitted my binary earlier this week as a iPhone-ONLY application, but wanted to go back and change it to be a 'Universal' build.

There used to be an option in Itunes Connect to choose which devices you wanted to target, but now it's all just handled in your application building process.

Anyway here's the settings for the ORIGINAL build that was an 'acceptable' build:
- Architecture: Standard (armv6 armv7)
- Base SDK iOS: Device 4.1
- Targeted Device Family: iPhone
- iOS Deployment Target: iOS 4.0

Here's what I tried to change the build to, which caused the INVALID BINARY error:
- Architecture: Standard (armv7)
- Base SDK iOS: Device 3.2
- Targeted Device Family: iPhone/iPad
- iOS Deployment Target: iOS 3.2

Here's what finally worked (universal build):
- Architecture: Standard (armv6 armv7)
- Base SDK iOS: Device 4.1
- Targeted Device Family: iPhone/iPad
- iOS Deployment Target: iOS 3.2

Too lazy to test exactly what was the cause of the issue, but it's obviously between the 'Architecture' or the 'Base SDK iOS'. My guess is the Architecture over Base SDK... but who knows.

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